Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Almost 7 months old!!!

I know that every time I finally put up a new post I say that I'm way behind and I'm going to try harder. Well this time I'm just going to say lets face it, I'm not very good at keeping up on my blogging. As a child I was never able to keep a journal going longer than 2 or 3 days. I don't know why I thought I would be any better at this.
I guess I can honestly say my health has improved a ton since my last post, but not as much as I would have liked to have been able to say. I'm still having some small complications from when I had Braxton, and still I will say they are all worth it. I never imagined how much love Jeremy and I would have for our little boy!!!
Braxton is now a few days shy of 7 months old! He is getting so big and he is so much fun! He's already passed a few of the milestones that I have neglected to blog about. He's been rolling both ways since he was 4 months old, he got his first 2 teeth around 5 months, has recently started sitting up on his own, and he's ready to crawl any day now. He's mastered crawling backwards, however he's not crawling forward yet. He still manages to get where he wants to go though. He lays on his stomach and pulls himself forward. Despite the fact that he's not crawling just yet doesn't mean he's not in to everything! I'm slowly baby proofing the house as needed. There are things I never thought would be a problem, I was so wrong!! He's in to everything. I'm seriously considering getting a baby gate so he can't go in to the kitchen. My only hesitation is that I'm not really known for being too graceful, and I'm kind of concerned it might do more harm than good. I can only imagine what Jeremy would say if I called and told him I needed to go to the hospital because I tripped over the baby gate and broke something!!!
I can't believe how fast the last 7 months have went by and how fast my little boy is growing up. He is starting to jabber a ton and say things like da da, ma ma, and ba ba. I'm not sure if he's actually trying to say those things or if they just sound similar and he's really just jabbering, but for the sake of making myself feel loved I'm just going to say he's intentionally saying ma ma for sure!!!
Right now Jeremy is working a ton as usual. I guess in this economy I should just be greatful for the 14 hour days he works. Braxton and I miss him like crazy and we're so excited to see him when he gets home from work. The huge smile Braxton gets when he realizes daddy's voice is coming from the front door and not from my cell phone is priceless! He gets so excited to see Jeremy and can hardly control himself. He starts laughing(which is the sweetest sound), kicking his legs, and his hands start shaking. He loves his daddy so much and I'm pretty sure he's got Jeremy wrapped around his finger! I love watching them play, its so cute. Jeremy doesn't get much of a break on his days off because I'm usually working and he's watching Braxton. I never get any complaints about it though.
Jeremy and I really love being parents and can't imagine our lives without Braxton! He's been such a great baby and I couldn't ask for anything more!!!

Braxton at 6 months

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


I'm finaly getting around to updating the blog. Things have been crazy the last 5 weeks and my spare time has seemed to disappear. Our baby boy finaly arrived on February 2!! I was admitted to the hospital on Feb. 1 to be induced. After 33 hours of labor and not dilating past a 3 for over 24 hours I decided it was time to get the baby here and had a C-section. Braxton J Mitchell was born Feb. 2 at 5:47 pm. He weighed 7lbs 6oz and was 19 1/2 inches long. We were so excited to finaly meet him, he definately made up for the long labor!! We were both released from the hospital 3 days later and finaly got to go home and start our new adventure. Unfortunately we only got to stay home for a few days before we were back at the hospital. My incision from the C-section got infected and I had to go back in to surgery wed. night and have it reopened and cleaned. That landed me a hospital stay for 4 more days and 6 long weeks of recovery. I was lucky enough to be able to keep Braxton at the hospital with me through my stay. I was so happy to be released from the hospital. I think we all(me, Jeremy, Braxton, my mom, and Jeremy's mom) were more than ready to be at home and not see a hospital room for a very long time!!
I have been fortunate enough to have a ton of help which has made my recovery as good as possible. My mom and Jeremy's mom were both able to come and stay with us and offer some much appreciated help. I was a little nervous when it came time for Braxton and I to try things out on our own. It went a lot smoother than expected!! I was starting to get cabin fever by the third week of being home so thanks to my sister in law, Trisha, I was able to get out of the house for a few hours a couple different days and go spend some time with their family.
Even though things got off to a rough start for us we are so excited to have Braxton here and to be starting this new chapter of our life. He is such a good baby, I couldn't ask for more!!